Wednesday, November 26, 2014

2014 Elyria Festival of Lights - December 6th, 2014!

2014 Elyria Festival of Lights

Holiday Kick-off

Saturday, December 6

FREE Events & Activities Throughout the City All Day!

(Made possible through the generous donations of individuals, organizations and the Findley Trust)

Bring the entire family and join the City of Elyria and our partners for a fun-filled day of holiday events and activities designed to bring a smile to every age.  All events and activities in Ely Square, Elyria City Hall and Finwood Estate are FREE and open to the public and are being made possible through the generous donations of individuals and organizations throughout our community and the Findley Trust.

This year’s celebration will bring back many of the traditions you remember from the past, along with some new features.  Enjoy the return of the children’s petting zoo complete with a camel, pygmy goats, a yak, an alpaca, and A GENUINE REINDEER to feed, pet and enjoy!  Events will start at Elyria City Hall at 2pm with crafts, movies, free gift bags for the first 500 children, and Mayor Brinda’s FREE Storybook Giveaway – complete with storybook characters, a coat and accessory giveaway for those in need, TWO caricature artists, story time, Santa’s Workshop, caroling, and of course – Santa Himself!

And, if you’re an art lover, don’t forget to visit the Elyria Art Depot and help them celebrate their 1st anniversary at 336 Broad Street to admire local art and shop for that unique gift!  Look for discounts and extended hours throughout downtown for your shopping and dining pleasure!

Downtown Elyria Events
Children’s Petting Zoo
Ely square will come alive with real animals for your child’s petting pleasure, including, a camel, pygmy goats, a yak, Shetland sheep, alpacas, and A REAL REINDEER!

Caricature Artists
Add some cheer to your holiday with a free caricature portrait of your children or your whole family!

Ornament Crafting by Elyria Art Depot at City Hall
Local Artists from the Elyria Art Depot will be helping your children handcraft their own holiday ornaments!

Kids Holiday Movies
Warm up in City Hall to watch some classic Holiday movies and specials!

Mayor Brinda’s Storybook Giveaway
The first 700 children will receive their choice of a FREE book courtesy of the Mayor!

Coat, Scarf, Hat, & Glove Giveaway
Grace Community Church will be providing free outerwear for children, youth, and adults in Elyria City Hall


Monday, November 24, 2014

Update 11/24/2014: Leaf Collection Continues this week

The City of Elyria Autumn Leaf Collection period, previously announced to end on November 21, has been extended through the week of Thanksgiving to compensate for a week of pickup lost to inclement weather.

Residents are encouraged to rake all leaves to their curb lawn by Monday, November 24, 2014 for this final collection cycle. All leaf collection will terminate on November 26, 2014. Leaf Collection, which was abbreviated by snow removal on 11/17 through 11/21 has been extended. City crews will continue to collect leaves – both raked and bagged in paper yard waste bage, provided the area reviews no additional snow or ice. Any remaining leaves MUST be bagged (in brown bags only) and placed on the curb lawn or taken to the City’s yard waste facility on 45 Chesnut Street. Any bagged leaves will be collected by Sanitation workers on regular pick up days and co-mingled with trash collection. Leaves should be raked to the curb in piles or wind-rows as close as possible, but not into the street. No brush, twigs or other material should be mixed with leaves as these items clog the vacuum equipment and slow the collection process.

Crews began covering the entire City of Elyria the third week of October and concentrated in those areas with more mature trees. Routes generally follow sanitation routes but the schedule is greatly influenced by weather (rain as well as snow). Due to manpower and weather variations – no set date for collection on a particular street or area is available.
Residents may dispose of leaves contained in brown paper composting bags at the Elyria Compost Center at 45 Chestnut Street during posted hours of operation.
Please remember these important safety points:
  • DO NOT allow children to play in leaf piles or near the street/curb
  • DO NOT place branches or other debris in the leaf piles. Doing so may result in non-collection of the leaves
  • DO NOT park vehicles on or near leaf piles; we encourage residents to use their driveways during leaf and snow season in order to keep roadways clear and accessible
For additional information or questions – please call the Elyria Street Department at 440-322-3129 or the Safety Service Director’s office (440) 326-1404.

All leaves collected are composted and not dumped at the landfill

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Jump Start Elyria

Attend one of two upcoming community dialogue sessions to learn about steps your city is taking to improve Downtown, the Midway Mall area, and Cleveland Street
Interested Elyrians and others are invited to participate in a very important initiative designed to jumpstart Elyria’s Downtown, Cleveland Street and Midway areas.  Thanks to a federal grant, the City has commissioned a market analysis and re-development planning process for these areas.  We have hired some of the top urban planners and researchers in the country to help us figure out how to best position Elyria for success.  The entire process will take about 18 months, but your input is important early on and will be requested again as the plan becomes more refined.      
The City’s partnering consultants on this project will be in Elyria November 11, 12 and 13 and will hold two meetings for interested parties to learn more.  Please try to attend one of these two meetings.  They will each last about 90 minutes.  The agenda will include:  (1) a brief overview of the City’s redevelopment strategy, (2) a presentation of local, regional and national market indicators and what they mean for Elyria, (3) an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and opinions and ask question of the City and planning and research teams.
The City’s market analysis redevelopment consultant is Heather Arnold from Streetsense of Bethesda, Maryland – the founder of Vibrant Streets, one of the nation’s top programs to help communities revitalize neighborhoods by creating thriving retail districts through technical expertise and community engagement.  Also involved is the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative of Kent State University, headed by Director Terry Schwartz.    
Please be part of the solution and mark your calendar to attend one of these two meetings.  Your advanced reservation is encouraged, but not required, as seating is limited and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please make your reservation by calling the Mayor’s Office at (440) 326-1402 by Monday, November 10. 
JumpStart Elyria Community Meeting #1:
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014: 6:30 – 8:00pm
Elyria Transportation & Community Center
40 East Avenue - Elyria, Ohio  44035
JumpStart Elyria Community Meeting #2
Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014: 8:30 – 10:00am
Elyria City Hall – 2nd Flr. Council Chambers
131 Court Street – Elyria, Ohio  44035

I hope you will join us on November 12 or 13 to learn more and become part of the solution for moving Elyria forward.  If you have questions or would like additional information, please feel free to call me at (440) 326-1402. 

Holly C. Brinda