Thursday, November 2, 2017

Be Part of the Elyria Bicentennial Time Capsule!

One hundred years from now, the Elyrians of 2117 will be celebrating our City's Tricentennial, and part of those festivities will be the opening of a time capsule from the year 2017.  We have been collecting memories and mementos from the tremendous Bicentennial celebrations throughout this year (along with other items to represent 2017), but we would like to add something that really represents not just Elyria, but the proud Elyrians of 2017. We would love to include your actual words,  thoughts and messages for future generations to read.

Send us your thoughts of today, hopes for the future, messages to future Elyria, or any other family-friendly BRIEF statements via facebook (Elyria Citizens page here or #ELY200 page here) or twitter (@MayorBrinda using the hasthtag #ELY200) and we'll include them in the time capsule!  We're going to bury the capsule on November 14, so if you want to be part of the celebration this year and 100 years from now, get us your thoughts soon!

Twitter has a character limit of 140 characters, so if even if you're not using Twitter, we would like you to keep it to a few sentences.