Thursday, December 21, 2017


A most sincere thank you is extended to the many volunteers who came out to Brookdale Cemetery in Elyria on Saturday to honor our veterans as part of the WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA program.  Elyria was honored to be chosen among 1,200 locations across the country to participate in this national recognition.   Wreaths from Columbia Falls, Maine adorn the headstone of veterans buried at Brookdale to spread patriotism and commemoration for the ultimate sacrifices made for our country.   

Thank you for your service!

Mayor Holly Brinda


The City of Elyria’s Holiday Lights display at Finwood estate on North Abbe Road has never looked better.  If you haven’t yet visited, be sure to get there soon.  Santa will be there through this Saturday night and after that you can still drive through to see over half a million lights of magical winter wonderland!  This is truly an opportunity to make a lasting family memory – and it’s free.  Donations of canned goods for those in need are welcomed and appreciated, but not required.   Have a wonderful holiday season, Elyria. 

Mayor Holly Brinda & Staff 

Friday, December 15, 2017

4th Street and East Avenue is Open

The intersection of 4th Street and East Avenue is now OPEN to through traffic on 4th Street and East Avenue (northbound).  Southbound on East Avenue  from 4th Street will remain closed to traffic.   

Sunoco Gas Station is accessible from 4th Street and is very much open for business!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Community Conversation - December 14, 2017 - 6:00pm @ East Rec!

This is a friendly reminder that the final Community Conversation with Elyria Mayor Holly Brinda and her staff of 2017 will be held on Thursday, December 14, 2017 at East Rec (1101 Prospect Street) at 6:00pm.  Representatives from most of our city departments will be on hand to answer questions about how their departments function, or anything else you would like to know.  Refreshments will be available.  Reservations are appreciated but not required.  Please see the flyer below for more info or call the Mayor's Office at 440-326-1402. 
Click to embiggen!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Elyria Festival of Lights - Saturday, December 2, 2017!

Bring Bring the entire family and join the City of Elyria and our partners for a fun-filled day of holiday events and activities designed to bring a smile to every age. All offerings in Ely Square, Elyria City Hall and Finwood Estate
are FREE and open to the public and are being made possible through the generous donations of individuals and organizations and the FindleyTrust. This year’s celebration will bring back many of the traditions you remember from the past, including the children’s petting zoo complete with A GENUINE REINDEER! Events will start at Elyria City Hall at 3:00pm with crafts, caroling, movies, a caricature artist, free gift bags for the first 500 children and Mayor Brinda’s FREE Storybook Giveaway!
Grace Community Church will once again be providing free outerwear for children and adults inside City Hall, and the Elyria ArtWorks on Broad Street will be open until 5:00pm for you to browse the works of local artists!

Downtown Elyria Events

  • Ice Sculpting - Watch a sculptor transform a block of ice into a holiday sculpture before your eyes!

  • Kids Crafts - Make a holiday craft in City Hall

  • Kids Holiday Movies - Warm up in City Hall to watch some classic holiday movies and specials!

  • Caricature Artist - Add some cheer to your holiday with a free caricature portrait of your children or your whole family!
Mayor Brinda’s Storybook Giveaway
  • The first 500 children will receive their choice of a FREE book courtesy of the Mayor!
  • Children’s Petting Zoo - Ely Square will come alive with real animals for your child’s petting pleasure, including: a camel, pygmy goats, a yak, Shetland sheep, alpacas and A REAL REINDEER!
  • Caroling & Group Performances: Hear the joyous sounds of the season from a variety of choral, dance and music groups!
  • StoryTime - Meet The GrinchWho Stole Christmas: The Elyria Public Library shares some holiday classics and your favorite holiday characters will be in Ely Square and City Hall
  • Coat, Scarf, Hat & Glove Giveaway - Grace Community Church will be providing free outerwear for children, youth and adults in Elyria City Hall
5:00-5:30pm - Santa's Arrival!
5:30-7:00pm - Meet Santa in the Sunrise Rotary Santa House on Ely Square!

  •  The Elyria Arts Council Gallery- 336 Broad Street – locals artists and craftspeople will display artwork, jewelry, crafts and sculptures for display and sale!
Holiday at Finwood Estate Events (799 N. Abbe by LCCC)
6:00-9:00pm: December 1 thru December 23 - (drive-thru through January 2)

North Park Ice Arena Events
December 3rd - 901 Duffy St.
1:00 – 3:00pm & 7:00 - 9:00pm: Open Skate: Youth $3, Adults $4, Skate Rental $3

See flyer below for more details!
Click to embiggen!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Small Business Saturday in Elyria - November 25, 2017!

There is really no better way to follow up Black Friday than with Small Business Saturday! Invest Elyria is once again hosting Small Business Saturday on November 25th for local small businesses in Elyria.  There are 25 businesses participating this year with 21 offering specials, discounts and/or drawings to win items ranging from grills, gift baskets, and gift cards, to ornaments, holiday decor and a $50 shopping spree!  More importantly, you'll be supporting local, homegrown businesses!

IE is excited that there are 8 new businesses joining them this year with 5 of them located downtown. To see what each business is offering, visit the Invest Elyria website here!  A list of participating businesses is below:

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Elyria Documentary Discs Now Available for Purchase!

The City of Elyria celebrated 200 years in 2017, and now you can share an entire years' worth of events, hometown pride, and history with your friends and family!  DVDs and Bluray discs of the documentary "Elyria: Making History, Then and Now!" are now available for order!  Created by award-winning filmmaker Jakob Hochendoner and present by the Beckett Companies, the documentary covers everything from the founding of our great City to the great people living here today!  Each Disc also contains footage from all of the great events throughout 2017.

More information is below (or click here for an order form you can fill out and return), or you can visit our website and place an order online.  The prices ($6.00 for the DVD and $8.00 for the BluRay include shipping.  You can also visit the Mayor Office (131 Court Street, Suite 301, Elyria, Ohio 44035) to purchase in person.  Feel free to call our office with any questions.

Happy Thanksgiving from the City of Elyria!

Another year has passed, and on behalf of the City of Elyria and all of our employees, we would like to express our most sincere thanks to you the citizens, for your support during this special season and all year long. As we wrap up a very successful Bicentennial year, it is easy to remember how fortunate we are to live and work in this caring community, and we know that you are the reason we as public servants exist.  I’d also like you to know that those who serve the public in Elyria do it with care, compassion, enthusiasm and great humility.  I feel privileged to work with great, hard-working City of Elyria employees every day, and we feel that same privilege serving the proud, hard-working citizens of Elyria.
The Holidays are just beginning, and I wish you all a wonderful season full of joy, hope, peace and some well-earned time with the people most important to you.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


There will be a temporary electric power outage from approximately 5:00pm to 8:00pm THIS EVENING, NOVEMBER 15 for residents in Elyria who live in the following areas:

  • 200 – 800 block of East Avenue
  • All side streets between 200 – 800 blocks of East Avenue, running between East Ave. and Middle Ave.
  • 200 – 800 block of Middle Avenue

This is necessary to accommodate an emergency gas main repair.  Residents are asked to shelter in place, and avoid unnecessary travel or activities outside their homes.       

Monday, November 13, 2017

Bicentennial Time Capsule Dedication - November 14 @ 1:00pm in Ely Square!

This is a friendly reminder that the last of a series of great events through our Bicentennial year of 2017 will be held on Tuesday, November 14th at 1:00pm in Ely Square.  Mayor Brinda, Bicentennial Co-Chair Bill Bird and our Bicentennial Committee will dedicate the Bicentennial Time Capsule.  It will include photos from 2017, including all of our events, letters from our elected officials and residents, mementos and photos from throughout year, and some items to represent 2017.  Anyone who would still like to include a letter has a very small window to get it in to us, as we will try to leave one of the bags to into the capsule unsealed until right before the ceremony.

We hope to see you at 1:00pm on November 14 in Ely Square!  As always, call the Mayor's Office at 440-326-1402 with any questions.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Be Part of the Elyria Bicentennial Time Capsule!

One hundred years from now, the Elyrians of 2117 will be celebrating our City's Tricentennial, and part of those festivities will be the opening of a time capsule from the year 2017.  We have been collecting memories and mementos from the tremendous Bicentennial celebrations throughout this year (along with other items to represent 2017), but we would like to add something that really represents not just Elyria, but the proud Elyrians of 2017. We would love to include your actual words,  thoughts and messages for future generations to read.

Send us your thoughts of today, hopes for the future, messages to future Elyria, or any other family-friendly BRIEF statements via facebook (Elyria Citizens page here or #ELY200 page here) or twitter (@MayorBrinda using the hasthtag #ELY200) and we'll include them in the time capsule!  We're going to bury the capsule on November 14, so if you want to be part of the celebration this year and 100 years from now, get us your thoughts soon!

Twitter has a character limit of 140 characters, so if even if you're not using Twitter, we would like you to keep it to a few sentences.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Mayor of Elyria Economic Development Report

Below please find Mayor Holly Brinda’s Economic Development report, presented at a community meeting held last night, October 23, 2017, at the Elyria High School Performing Arts Center.  

In Process or Pending Economic Development Initiatives
Elyria Mayor as of October 23, 2017
($2.25 million available through 2020 – Already more than $2.89 million need identified prior to some major project development that will require economic incentives)

Midway Mall Area
Macy’s Redevelopment
There is a request for gap financing and an Enterprise Zone Abatement dependent on current negotiations to bring new business headquarters to the Macys Building.  Due to a confidentiality agreement signed by the Elyria Community Improvement Corporation, the terms of the negotiations cannot be disclosed.  The total project investment by proposed new owner is significant.      

Status:  Negotiations are in process. 
Dilliards Building Possible Donation/Demolition
$1 million is needed (source to be determined) to demolish the Dilliards Building, which must happen because of contaminate mold and other issues, and to make the property re-developable.  The owner has offered to donate the building and associated 18 acres of property to the City of Elyria or the Elyria Community Improvement Corporation for the tax write-off.  There is currently $6,744.56 in back taxes due on the property.  The value in accepting the property would to be for the Elyria Community Improvement Corporation to control it for future development.
Status:  City Council will determine if there is interest in this project.  Legal council is currently determining if there is a way for the ECIC or the City to fund this project – if the City decides with Council’s input that there is value in doing that.  The issue will be presented to Elyria City Council in November.      
Market-Rate Residential Development Contiguous to Midway Mall
$24,000 will be spent of Issue 6 funds to develop the initial design work for a market-rate residential development near Midway Mall.  This will help satisfy recommendations in the recent Jeff Green & Partners Highest Best Use Study and Feasibility Plan that recommended more residential investment in the area.  Elyria City Council will receive a presentation by Carnegie Management, Great Lakes Development Partners and Markovich and Pusti Architects on November 6.   The Mayor would like their input before she proceeds.   

Re-development of Former Mountain Jacks Property
The Elyria Community Improvement Corporation has engaged Coldwell Banker in a 12-month contract to market the former Mountain Jacks property as a combination restaurant and party center to serve the new hotels in the area.  The property is listed at $400,000 and payment for services is dependent on the sale of the property.  If the property is not sold by July 2018, the City plans to issue an RFP to design the project to assist in the development process.  This is not being done initially because it is believed there is already interest in the project.  The ultimate project will likely require economic incentives from the City of the Elyria Community improvement Corporation. 
Development of New Former 49th Street Bridge Property
An estimated $30,000 of issue 6 funds will be spent with O.R. Colan on a study being commissioned this month to determine the value of property acquired by the City from the SR57/49th Street Bridge reconfiguration. The City received clearance in late September from ODOT to develop the properties on the east side of the SR57/49th Street Bridge highway reconfiguration project.  This includes 12 excess properties located east of SR57, west of Tillotson Street, north of Midway Boulevard and south of Griswold Road.  A request for clearance to develop acreage on the west side has been made and a decision is pending.  Once the study is complete, the Mayor will be recommending that the property be transferred into the Elyria Community Improvement Corporation and an RFP be issued for the development of the property.  Funds generated by the sale of the property can help fuel the future endeavors of the CIC.         

Downtown Elyria
Conversion of Washington Avenue Parking Lot to Mixed-Use Development
$24,000 of Issue 6 funds will be spent to develop a downtown mixed-use project that would house a restaurant, higher-end apartments, and some retail and office space.  It would include ground-level and possibly under- ground parking.  The project is a five-story building to be located on the current city-owned Washington Avenue Parking Lot.   It would capitalize on the view of the East Falls and the Black River.  It is in response to the JumpStart Elyria study that recommended access to more apartment housing.  Elyria City Council will receive a presentation by Carnegie Management, Great Lakes Development Partners and Markovich and Pusti Architects on November 6.   The Mayor would like their input before she proceeds.  
Kimberly Plaza on the Square
$15,000 will be spent on improvements to accommodate a new business in Kimberly Plaza, the former Men’s Shop, that was accepted by the Elyria Community Improvement Corporation as a donation.   While the building is in excellent shape, there were physical accommodations that need to be made to accommodate the new business - $10,000 for wall reconfiguration and $5,000 to replace the air conditioning unit.
Status:  The law department and the ECIC legal counsel are deciding on the source and flow of the funds to accomplish this. 
Other Pending Downtown Projects
There are currently an estimated $18 million of public and private economic development projects – not involving Issue 6 funds - either recently completed or in the process in downtown.  Two federal grants are being used to improve lighting, streetscapes, crosswalks, bike lanes, pedestrian walkways and signage.  Federal, state and local revenue are responsible for improvements to Middle Avenue, Third Street, East Avenue, and part of West Avenue.  Pioneer Plaza and the Elyria Arts Council were created with the support of two State Appropriations.  Other projects include the courthouse rehabilitation, McDonalds,  a new law office, and more.  Three investors have purchased and are in various processes of renovating eight of downtown’s most challenged buildings.  Meetings have been held with several downtown businesses encouraging them to apply for either CDBG or ECIC revolving loan fund money to make improvements to their buildings.  We are waiting for them to apply.  The City has also requested that McDonalds Corporation donate the vacated property on Broad Street to the Elyria Community Improvement Corporation for re-development.    
Chestnut Commons Area Development & Traffic Reconfiguration
The City of Elyria is, and has been, working with a developer, the county and contiguous communities at the intersection of SR57 and Chestnut Ridge to address both traffic and future development concerns, issues and opportunities.  A traffic study was completed and the City is waiting to see if an annexation request initiated by the developer with support from the city is awarded by the county so the city can “right size” the appropriate traffic reconfiguration and infrastructure response.  Waiting until we understand the full scope of the development is important as the traffic and infrastructure response will be expensive: in the range of $5-$6 million.  The City of Elyria is committed to ultimately resolving the traffic issues in the area and working with the developer, the county and Eaton Township to create the best possible case scenario for the inevitable development that is likely to expand to I480. 

Economic Development Technology & Support Projects

City Website Re-design
$28,500 of Issue 6 funds is currently being spent on a redesign of the city website and one year of service.  The company commissioned is called Revize and is working with the Mayor’s Office and the IT Department on the project that is scheduled to be completed in April 2018.  All departments and City Council will be invited to provide input related to their respective areas.  An additional $5,400 annual maintenance annual contract will be available at the end of the second year.  

Economic Development Software
$4,550 of Issue 6 funds was spent on Xcelligent Software, a tool used by the City to provide commercial property seekers with detailed information about available properties in the city.    

 $12,000 of Issue 6 funds will be spent in April 2018 on the purchase of 12 modules of a proprietary economic development software tool that will help the city and potential buyers and developers: (1) Review the Business Climate; (2) Discovery Industry Trends; (3) Research Their Customers; (4) Analyze Competition; (5) Uncover Local Opportunities; (6) Search Available Properties; (7) Find Additional Resources; (8) Identify Land Use/Zoning Controls; (9) Examine the Environment; (10) Evaluate the Workforce); (11) Identify Community Facilities;  (12 Locate Utilities).   These modules will be added as part of the new website. 
Economic Development Director Search
In the range of $85,000 or more of Issue 6 funds will have to be spent on hiring a new Economic Development Director for the City of Elyria.  The City is currently on its second search process in 12 months.  An offer in the initial search was made and declined because of what was perceived as a low salary for this position.  The second search will conclude in November.   The Mayor is currently taking on the majority of these responsibilities, with some support assistance from Community Development.  
Economic & Workforce Development

“Elyria Works Now” Workforce Development Initiative
$1 million (source to be determined) will be needed to take this project to scale for three years.  Over the past two months the Mayor has been working with 15 community partner organizations to develop a Bloomberg Foundation Mayor’s Challenge Project to address the city’s most pressing issue.  The diverse group of community leaders chose to develop the project below.  It will be implemented to some degree in 2018, pending a grant approval process in January 2018.  The Bloomberg Foundation will award (35) $100,000 grants, five $1 million grants later in the year, and one $5 million grant.  To pilot the project will cost about $100,000 and to take it to the required scale would take about $1 million over three years. The group is committed to moving this project forward at some level regardless of the grant award by leveraging other funds.
Elyria will lower its 22.2% poverty rate by 5% and close the employment gap between companies facing labor shortages and residents who are underemployed or actively seeking work. We will accomplish this by creating Elyria Works Now, a new collaboration of industry, education, government, non-profit, for-profit, and faith-based stakeholders that will provide connectivity, support, education, training and access to higher paying jobs.  Pilot Employers will commit to employment goals, “screen-in” and family-friendly policies, and working with community partners to integrate wrap-around services responding to Individual Development and Career Plans.
Target populations include graduating and recently graduated high school seniors without career paths (estimated 160) and under-employed adult residents (estimated 1085 of 11,821 residents living in poverty) or those actively seeking work (2,237).  In the Pilot, 100 entry-level, fulltime, living wage manufacturing positions with healthcare benefits will be filled.  Upon implementation 1,100 positions will be filled.  The Pilot will determine if other industry sectors should be added.  Currently Indeed lists 1,600 open manufacturing jobs among Elyria’s 80 manufacturers. Of 18 manufacturers responding to a survey, 16 report difficulty filling positions, with 73 entry-level, and 84 skilled positions open.
Strategies include defining the delivery model, creating the curriculum with Individual Development and Career Plans and committing Pilot Employers; committing partners to recruit applicants through referral channels and career stations and deliver training and services; creating demand through a multi-media marketing campaign and an Elyria Works Now Web Portal; evaluating the program annually; and developing resources through grants and membership fees.
Elyria Company Expansion Projects
The City of Elyria is currently in negotiations with three major companies for expansion assistance (sources to be determined) in the form of abatements and other incentives.  More information will be made available to Elyria City Council and the public as the processes procced. 


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Elyria Fall Leaf Collection Includes Free Leaf Raking By Students for Residents In Need

The City of Elyria FALL 2017 LEAF COLLECTION PROGRAM will run from Monday, October 16 through Tuesday, November 28. Leaves should be raked to the curb in piles, but not in the street.  No brush, twigs, or other materials should be mixed with the leaves, as these items may cause safety hazards and will clog the vacuum equipment, slowing the collection process.

A special service will be provided this year. If you are a senior citizen unable to rake your leaves because of an illness or physical disability you are eligible to sign up for FREE LEAF RAKING SERVICE by calling the Mayor’s Office at 326-1420 by November 1. This service is being made possible through the generosity of student volunteers from Elyria High School and Elyria Catholic High School.  It was the brain-child of Keenan Williams, assistant manager of the Elyria Street Department.  Mr. Williams has been working with the schools to coordinate the effort.  The first 100 citizens to sign up will be eligible for the service.

“The City is very proud of Mr. Williams and the many students and school personnel who have been involved in coordinating this effort,” said Mayor Holly Brinda.   “I am sure it will be appreciated by a number of our citizens.”  Mayor Brinda said the students will be providing leaf raking service November 13 – November 22, when most of the leaves have fallen.

As for the community-wide leaf collection October 16 – November 28, crews will cover the entire city and will concentrate first on areas with mature trees. There is no set schedule for collection, as weather conditions, equipment and personnel fluctuate day-to-day.  We ask for your patience and understanding.  Regardless of the weather, no leaves will be collected after November 28.  Any leaves remaining on the curb lawn after November 28 must be bagged (brown bags only) and left with the weekly trash pick-up.  FREE brown compost bags are available at the Mayor’s Office or the Public Utilities Office, 131 Court Street.

Residents are encouraged to dispose of their leaves at the Elyria Compost Center, 45 Chestnut Street. The Center is managed by Barnes Nursery.  Details regarding their hours of operation and services can be found on the City’s website under the Sanitation Department at Leaves collected by crews are composted and not dumped into area landfills.

Please remember these important safety tips:
  • Do not allow children to play in the leaves near the street or curb;
  • Do not place braches or other debris in the leaf piles – doing so may result in the non-collection of leaves;
  • Do not park vehicles on or near leave piles.
For additional information or questions, please call the Elyria Street Department at (440) 322-3129 of the Safety Service Director’s Office at (440) 326-1420.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Oven 51 - Pizza Bistro and Bakery - Open in Downtown Elyria!

I had lunch today at Downtown Elyria’s newest restaurant Oven 51.  The WHITE GARLIC CHICKEN FLAT BREAD PIZZA was out of this world…..  Please support Oven 51 by visiting them anytime Monday through Sunday from 11am – 10pm – for pizza and between 6am – 11am for donuts!  Or order in – they deliver!  Call (440) 723-3500 or visit to order online! 
Mayor Holly Brinda  

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Cleveland Pops Concert - Saturday, September 2, 2017 in Ely Square!

The Cleveland Pops will be in Downtown Elyria this Saturday, September 2, 2017 with a special Bicentennial Edition of their annual, can't-miss FREE concert!  Presented my Main Street Elyria in conjunction with the City of Elyria, the concert will kick off at 7:00pm in Ely Square.  This year, the orchestra will be lined up near the Ely Square Fountain facing 2nd Street, so plan your seats accordingly!  Prior to the concert, the Elyria Arts Council will be in the Square hosting some family-friendly activities to flex your art skills starting at 5:45pm.  Food vendors including Cofield's BBQ, Hershey's Ice Cream, Kelley's Kettle Corn, By the Slab Ribs will there, and Oven 51 Pizza Bistro - 148 Middle Avenue - (Corner of 2nd and Middle) will officially open on Friday, September 1st and will be open for your orders at the Pops Concert!

More information on the concert is below!  Please join us a for a fun, family-friendly and FREE event downtown on Saturday, September 2nd @ 7:00pm!  PLEASE CHECK WWW.CITYOFELYRIA.ORG for updates, including any news or delays due to inclement weather!
Click to embiggen!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Elyria Bicentennial Time Capsule Survey

Later this year, the Elyria Bicentennial Commission will fill, seal and bury a time capsule commemorating 2017.  Below are some questions suggested by members of the committee to help determine what we put into the capsule.  We need your input to let the Elyrians of 2117 know about our Elyria!

There are only 9 short questions, so this should only take a few minutes of your time.  Just read the questions, click in the box and type your answer, and click "OK."  It will automatically take you to the next question.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Grand Elyria Bicentennial Parade - Saturday, August 5, 2017!

The Grand Bicentennial Parade is this Saturday, August 5th, 2017!  Since this parade, and much of this year, is all about the history of our great City, you're encouraged to take a few minutes to view the video below.  Provided by the Pandy Family, this video is from the 125th Celebration Parade and provides some real insight into our history.  For more information on our upcoming parade, please click here!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Bevy of Bicentennial Business at the LCHS!

The Lorain County Historical Society has planned an exciting week chock full of fun, educational Bicentennial activities!  Details are below: 

Schedule of Bicentennial Events:
Registration appreciated but not mandatory. Call 322-3341 or All Lorain County Historical Society programs are free however donations will be accepted. For outdoor tours if inclement weather tour is cancelled.
Monday, July 31st at 7:00 pm
  • Spotlight on Elyria History program
  • Lorain County History Center (284 Washington Ave.)
Tuesday, August 1 at 10 am
  • Tour of Historic Downtown Square (60 minutes)
  • Meet at benches by the fountain in Ely Square
Tuesday, August 1st at 7 pm
  • Historic Elyrians program
  • Lorain County History Center (284 Washington Ave.)
Wednesday, August 2nd at 10 am
  • Washington Ave Then & Now walking tour (75 minutes)
  • Meet at Lorain County History Center (284 Washington Ave.)
Wednesday, August 2nd at 6-8 pm
  • Hickories Open House (The Hickories 509 Washington Ave.)
Thursday, August 3rd at 10 am
  • Ridgelawn Cemetery Tour (60 minutes)
  • Meet at entrance by Glenwood & Harrison
Thursday, August 3rd at 7 pm
  • Elyria’s Architectural Styles program
  • Lorain County History Center (284 Washington Ave.)
Friday, August 4th at 10 am
  • Historic Elyria Walking tour (90 minutes)
  • Transportation Center overflow parking lot Broad St.

Friday, July 21, 2017



Photo courtesy of the Lorain County Historical Society
Elyria residents, businesses and other city supporters looking for ways to honor the City’s 200th birthday have had many events and activities to choose from to show their civic pride.  Among them: a historic marker installation ceremony and reception; a historic documentary preview and reception; historic lectures, tours and displays; the opening of Pioneer Plaza; a bicentennial fireworks show like no other; and soon the bicentennial ball on July 29 and the bicentennial parade on August 5. 

The July 29 Elyria Bicentennial Ball - Presented by University Hospitals Elyria Medical Center

There are already 175 reservations for Elyria’s Bicentennial Ball, scheduled for Saturday evening July 29, 2017 from 6:00pm – 11:00pm at Elyria Country Club – 41625 Oberlin Elyria Road.  Elyrians and other supporters who want to attend but have not yet made their reservations are encouraged to visit the city’s website to purchase tickets online via the city’s secure server at The deadline for making reservations is Tuesday, July 25.  Tickets are $125.00 per person, while all of the other official bicentennial events have been low or no cost.  

All Elyrians are welcome to attend this very special black tie optional celebration which will feature an evening of fine dining, fellowship and dancing to the Swing City Big Band.   All proceeds from the Ball benefit the rebuilding of the Ely Square Fountain, the legacy project of the City and the 100-member Elyria Bicentennial Committee.  “The City and the Committee members w

anted to be responsive to all Elyrians, and the Ball is one way for those who are able to make larger contributions to the fountain project to participate, while honoring all of our fountain donors,” said Mayor Holly Brinda. But regardless of our citizens’ level of participation, small or large, it is needed and appreciated.  
The Presenting Sponsor for the Bicentennial Ball is University Hospitals Elyria Medical Center.  Other supporters include band sponsor Chemical Bank; beverage sponsors Northwest Bank, Vandemark Jewelers and Best Equipment Company; and auction sponsor Attorney Mark Craig.  The official souvenir sponsor for Elyria’s Bicentennial is Discount Drug Mart.  Other sponsorships and program advertising are still available by calling (440) 326-1402.

The evening will also recognize donors who have contributed so far to the Capital Campaign to rebuild the Ely Square Fountain.  And while the fundraising campaign will run through the end of 2017, the City has already raised over $226,145.00 towards the new fountain, with other grants and donations pending.  The fountain will be rebuilt in early 2018, with the size and scope of the project being determined by the amount of donated funds.  An animated rendition of the preferred project that was determined by community input can be viewed on the city’s website.   

The August 5 Elyria Bicentennial Parade

A celebration 200 years in the making will take place in Elyria on Saturday, August 5 – and you are invited to participate or attend!  The City is still accepting registrations for the once-in-a-lifetime Grand Bicentennial Parade.  Registration Forms will be accepted through July 28 and are available from the City’s website at, but must be completed and returned by mail or in person to the Mayor’s Office on the third floor of Elyria City Hall – 131 Court Street.  Questions should be directed to the Mayor’s office at 326-1402. 

To commemorate the founding of the City of Elyria in 1817 by Heman Ely, a Grand Bicentennial Parade, sponsored by Elyria Charities, has been organized by the City and Elyria’s Bicentennial Committee of more than 100 volunteers.  So far, over 90 units have registered for the August 5 parade, complete with Clydesdale horses and other animals, five bands, 20 floats, circus performers, baton twirlers, super heroes, ghostbusters, a living statue of Heman Ely, antique cars and so much more. 

The parade will be one of the largest in Elyria’s history, and will be longer than most the city’s previous parades, so residents are encouraged to plan ahead when making plans to view the parade and traverse the City the morning of August 5.  The procession begins at 10:00am and travels from Poplar Street, down Gulf Road, turning right on Ohio Street, turning left on Washington Avenue to Broad Street, turning left on Middle Avenue, up Middle Avenue past Elyria High School, and turning right onto West Avenue, where it will disperse in the parking lots of Elyria High School. 

“The parade route is longer because we want to involve as many Elyrians as possible and showcase some of our important landmarks and our new additions like the renovated Middle Avenue and our beautiful Elyria High School,” said Mayor Holly Brinda.  

After the parade the Cincinnati Circus will perform in Ely Square and a special recognition program will take place.  Four First Aid Stations will be available including the corner of Ohio Street and Washington Avenue, Ely Square, Elyria Catholic and the Elyria High School Parking Lot.  Mayor Brinda said “We are looking forward to a wonderful day that demonstrates how strong our community pride is in Elyria, Ohio.  Major companies, organizations, churches and many others are really having fun planning and building their floats and involving their employees and members in the festivities – and we can’t wait to see the outcome.”